Ok so what is a pothole exactly? I mean we all know what how a pothole looks, WE drive around them and dogdge them on a daily basis!!! It's like playing a video game(preferably Paper Boy) and we as drivers are the players!!! The object of the game is to accumalate as many points as possible by dodging as many potholes as you can. LOL. I currently stay in Atlanta and the potholes here are fucking ridicolous. If you don't beleive me just go to 10th street and see the craters in the street for yourself. I honestly believe the potholes are placed in the street on purpose. I know they say its caused by the water that seeps into the cracks and by the vibrations from cars and trucks but damn!!! A crater though? My theory is the city puts them there for speed control and to fuck your car which forces you to repair it and in turns recoops money back into the city!!! I mean I get it, it's actually a BRILLIANT idea. As if gas isn't a bitch, now we have to worry about potholes too. So PEACE to potholes!!! At least they keep us moving!!! LOL!!!

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