I must be suffering from nostalgia because I have been reminiscing hella hard for the past weeks. I recall a conversation I was having with a home girl of mine and somehow this topic came up. We were discussing what making it to "3rd base" was. "3rd base" is when you finger a girl for lack of a better term!!! And if you don't know what that is look the shit up!!!! The whole making it to "3rd base" scenario just really took me back to my middle school days when fingering a girl was like the "shit." "Fingering" was definitely like the sex of middle school hands down! The first time I fingered a girl I felt as if I had finally made it a man(LOL), as if it was a some sort of right of passage or something. "Smell my finger." LOL!!! Ok thats gross but don't judge me!!! Oh how I miss those days when shit was so innocent!!! I will always remember the day my finger lost its ViRGINITY!!!! Peace to the finger!!!
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