Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Nerd Girl of the WEEEEK!!!!!!

Nerd Girl of the WEEEK honors goes to my homie Esha!!! I met Esha some years back @ a recording session with Blok. I didn't know she was packing hella talent @ the time, so I greeted her with my normal hey what's up i'm ken...... type ordeal. A few minutes later I was blown away when I had the chance to hear her sing!!! I was like damn!!!! Its refreshing whenever you come across people with real talent because there a million people who claim they have talent but we all know the answer to that!!!! I rocks with her hard though! She's claims she's a new age Hippie, and shit I'm not too far from that either! "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" Check Her out!!!
This is TRue!!!

Yesterday I felt like...
Back to this again... right back here again... but it's cool cause it's where I need to be. Not a matter of expressing it but rather putting the lifestyle into action... because boy can I spit the works. Yes I do happen to be one of those who preaches but doesn't quite practice and the older I get, the more I understand just how... wrong... I guess u could say... hmm... just how wrong it is.. whatever. I know everything I should be doing but I never do it full out. Gotta stop and hit all extremes of any means of making my desires and dreams my reality. Cause shit time is flying like jets and planes and I can no longer use the excuse of my feeling insane. Insanity isn't bringing me comfort nor is it providing. So whether I happen to be "insane" or not... whatever "insane" is.. I've got to place it on the back burner.. the burner that burns ashes so they are merely dust particles... and that's fine with me.. let the insanity wither with a low creep but I can no longer let it stand strong within me. Dawn will hit thee and insanity won't save a vampire from the sun nor from his destiny.
I was almost in a funk today til I turned it around and found bliss in the simple things. Now money nor guys are troubles for me. Friendships exist where I need them to be and everything else is left entirely up to me. :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My Homie Franki is a mess!!!

1:52 PMShare
Yesterday at 10:06am
"Look at him, he's so sexy"
"He would fuck you, you know?"
"Everyone would fuck me, I'm tired of all this fucking. Can I not get a nigga who just wants to hold hands or something?"
It's really daunting when you walk into a room and every single dick turns to look at you.
Makes me feel some type of way, but it's just learning to reconcile the feeling with my age and my growth. To not let it scare me.
Scare me into thinking that I'll never find an eternal in this big ol' pool of horny sperm.
It's just the way Ghana is I suppose.
But maybe I do instigate it a being FUCKING AMAZING.
Excuse the ego moment. I've only had about a year to fully understand what being socially and physically attractive means.
I'm still a kid after all.
Imagine me at 24.
God willing ofcourse.
Oh...and heads up. If you're trying to fuck. Don't tell me. It's like one of the biggest turn offs in my life right now.
Friday, September 18, 2009
This is so Dope!!!!
Man my homie Koda told me about this one!!! I peeped this during one of my higher learning sessions and I had to post it!!! The song is tight already and the video just compliments it!!! Peace to MGMT! MGMT - "Electric Feel" Music Video
R.I.P Patrick Swayze

Man I was buggin out when I heard about this one! Dirty Dancing is like one of my mother's favorite movies of all time! It was crazy cause she wouldn't go buy it, she would just rent it everytime we went to the local BlockBuster. I can remember as a kid like damn, Dirty Dancing again Ma? Just go buy it for crying out loud!!! She watched it so much that I knew the movie by heart!!! R.I.P. Patrick Swayze!!! Peace to Dirty Dancing!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Nerd Girl of the WEEEEK!!!!!!

Big Shouts Out to my homie Ms. Chavelle Perez. She hails from Toronto, Canada. I know, I know, she's a cutie! She's like half Cuban and Italian I think. Definitely EXOTIC status!!! I got her to download the cooL inTentions mixtaPe and she loved it, so we've been vibing ever since!!! Except for those DAMN international calls! LOL! Damn Chavelle get a 404 # already. Peace to Chavelle Perez! My Nerd Girl of the WEEEEEK. Check her out Below.

Oh Yeah I Will be Throwing her in my Videos LOL!
Monday, September 14, 2009
"Smell My Finger"

I must be suffering from nostalgia because I have been reminiscing hella hard for the past weeks. I recall a conversation I was having with a home girl of mine and somehow this topic came up. We were discussing what making it to "3rd base" was. "3rd base" is when you finger a girl for lack of a better term!!! And if you don't know what that is look the shit up!!!! The whole making it to "3rd base" scenario just really took me back to my middle school days when fingering a girl was like the "shit." "Fingering" was definitely like the sex of middle school hands down! The first time I fingered a girl I felt as if I had finally made it a man(LOL), as if it was a some sort of right of passage or something. "Smell my finger." LOL!!! Ok thats gross but don't judge me!!! Oh how I miss those days when shit was so innocent!!! I will always remember the day my finger lost its ViRGINITY!!!! Peace to the finger!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I Like This!!!
Save me from Myself by Uniquely Brown Packaging

currently listening: Nothing...sober
mood: frankly, terse.
Dammit, i woke up this morning and rolled
over... no one was next to me
see i am alone. i will be the next day
and the day after that.
Its not something i want but its what i have
to do. there is no such thing as honesty
and if you're not trustworthy can you
really trust anyone else?? no, i dont
think that you can and i am a bad guy
lately i just need my wine glass with a
little punch and enough weed to send me
spinning. i want arms around me too
though...i feel myself getting cold again...
the person i redundantly go back to being,
maybe this is as good as it gets?
idk but i am hurting and im searching for more than
love and a one night stand, more than
midnight rendevous and smoke sessions
more than sitting on the couch and laughing
more than any drug can give me for even 5 mins
and waaayy more than the temporary ecstacy
of sex. i need a friend first and the rest later...
but i fucked up again. i fucked up and i
need help. but can anyone help me really?
can anyone save me? from myself?.....
nooo....because i thrive off my life crumbling
and really....i dnt want to be saved at all.

currently listening: Nothing...sober
mood: frankly, terse.
Dammit, i woke up this morning and rolled
over... no one was next to me
see i am alone. i will be the next day
and the day after that.
Its not something i want but its what i have
to do. there is no such thing as honesty
and if you're not trustworthy can you
really trust anyone else?? no, i dont
think that you can and i am a bad guy
lately i just need my wine glass with a
little punch and enough weed to send me
spinning. i want arms around me too
though...i feel myself getting cold again...
the person i redundantly go back to being,
maybe this is as good as it gets?
idk but i am hurting and im searching for more than
love and a one night stand, more than
midnight rendevous and smoke sessions
more than sitting on the couch and laughing
more than any drug can give me for even 5 mins
and waaayy more than the temporary ecstacy
of sex. i need a friend first and the rest later...
but i fucked up again. i fucked up and i
need help. but can anyone help me really?
can anyone save me? from myself?.....
nooo....because i thrive off my life crumbling
and really....i dnt want to be saved at all.
This is cooL!!!!!

My homegirl told me about this!!! The BrickTestament is a sight that reenacts the stories from the Bibles with LEGOS!!!! The cooLest Shit EVER!!!!! I mean Where was this when I was growing UP?!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Nerd Girl of the WEEEEK!!!!!!

My Nerd Girl of the Week is my homie Nesa "Nesquick" Thomas!!!! I met her on myspace a little over a year agao and we've been "hella" cool ever since. She's from the good Ol' state of Georgia(it ain't nothing like a Georgia Girl!) LOL! She'll probably kill me for telling this but she was the inspiration behind my remake of P.Y.T. Ok Yeah I'm guilty Ladies and Gentlemen! I mean she was about 17 at the time of me recording the song, but just to clear things up for legal purposes, we never did anything! Honest! Special Shouts out to Nesa "Nesquick "Thomas for the inspiration and this post!!! Peace!!!
Damn I'm so maaaad I missed out on these Special Additon N.E.R.D Pharrell Dunks!!! Man these shits go for cool $500 on EBay if your lucky!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Line Leader!!!!

Do anybody remember how it felt to be the Line Leader back in elementary school? I mean you were literally the "shit" for a whole day!!! I don't know what it was about being the Line Leader but it was almost as if the stars would align perfectly just for me, which allowed everything to go my way. It's funny because the girls who weren't feeling me before were definitely feeling me then. Wow, even at a young age girls flocked to the dude who's "Poppin" for a lack of a better term. But man how cool was it to be first in line, first to get lunch, first to go out side etc. I must admit that I LOVE being in control and being the Line Leader was the Ultimate Position of Power!!! Peace to being the Line Leader!!!! Probably the most underrated thing EVER!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
DormTainment in the Houuuusssseeee!!!!!!

I just wanna send special out a special thanks to Mike 3G and the good folks over there @ DORMTAINMENT for there review of cooL inTentions!!!
"After being in a rap group “Tripple Krown’s” Ken Stevensons released his very first solo mixtape titled “Cool Intentions”
The dynamic mixtape is a breath of fresh air from the main stream Whoop Ricos, White Brick’s, and My Dougies. “Cool Intentions” follows a story line of a Nerd back in his highschool years who just wants to fit in and be “cool” doing everything he thinks will get him there, and having the right “intentions” When that dosent work the outcast resorts to dramatic actions.
Ken has a unique voice that sounds like a mixture of Kanye West and Jay-Z, which gives the mixtape a real edge and different sound. Very different from what’s on the radio right now.
My personal favorites are “Stick Up” ft. Franki Sayz & “Body Marked Up”
I give the go ahead to Download this mixtape. A great addition to your I-Tunes Collection. Especially since he’s an upcoming artist, you can say you had his first “solo” mixtape…And Oh Yea..ITS FREE!"
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Shouts out to Ms. Lundi

Cool Intentions: The Mixtape
"In order for this amazing amount of work to be conducted a brilliant mind has to concoct it. Kenneth Stevenson is that. From his unique, fun, and all around amazing personality to his unfathomable way to put such lines together such as "she's the instrument that completes my band,everytime I play her note it takes me to a distant land" - from "Runnin." This mixtape is very, different to say the least. It has a flow that's entertaining yet deep. Its just him telling you. Literally.
He's a "Big Deal" what can I say. And are all nerds as cool as him? I don't think so cause' he walks arounds like he don't give a f**k rockin' straight leg jeans with the white tee and the classes on GEEK. Although pu**y rules everything around him he still has cool intentions.
This mixtape speaks to the youth yet old heads. Its real yet talented. Expressive yet hilarious. His personality lives in his music. His life is music. Respect his cool intentions and bang this banging mixtape."
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Shouts out To Ms. SHE SHINE!!!

"HOOOOOT Solid mixtape!!!!! "cooL inTentions" is geared towards the younger crowd with the jokingly conscious rap, Ken delivers funny tracks like "I'm in Yo Girl Bitch" to addictive tracks like "rollin" to feel good tracks like "I'm Good." He sticks with the nerd theme throughtout the mixtape and utilizes it creatively. I can honestly say this mixtape has something for EVERYONE but you'll never know what you'll get out of it til u listen. Check it out and lemme know what ya think!
"Everything is done with Cool Intentions People"
ps: I'm a Featured artist!! So check me out too haha"

"Any barbie lookin for a Ken doll??? Well Ladies I got one for ya! He is so cool the artic circle aint got shit on him!!! I am actually takin a break out of my paper work thas over due for this because hes kinda a BIG DEAL.... As a matter of Fact he got a new Mix Tape out n all of yall should download it n give your critique ...
Im not a groupie its just the truth....
So as Ken says "Smoke this mixtape"
This is DOPE!!!!!!!!
My Homie Tay hooked this remix UP!!!! This Shit Goes HARD!!!!
The Fear-Lily Allen x The Tay from The Tay on Vimeo.
What kind of.. FUCKERY is THIS?!!!!!

Ok so what is a pothole exactly? I mean we all know what how a pothole looks, WE drive around them and dogdge them on a daily basis!!! It's like playing a video game(preferably Paper Boy) and we as drivers are the players!!! The object of the game is to accumalate as many points as possible by dodging as many potholes as you can. LOL. I currently stay in Atlanta and the potholes here are fucking ridicolous. If you don't beleive me just go to 10th street and see the craters in the street for yourself. I honestly believe the potholes are placed in the street on purpose. I know they say its caused by the water that seeps into the cracks and by the vibrations from cars and trucks but damn!!! A crater though? My theory is the city puts them there for speed control and to fuck your car which forces you to repair it and in turns recoops money back into the city!!! I mean I get it, it's actually a BRILLIANT idea. As if gas isn't a bitch, now we have to worry about potholes too. So PEACE to potholes!!! At least they keep us moving!!! LOL!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
This Might Be the BEST LINE EVER!!!!
This is FLAT OUT one of the dopest Lines I ever Heard!!!! Fast Forward to about the 3:00 mark. "But who knew that the sky would
get cloudy? I bought a Her 4 Rings, didn't think she'd be outtie/Audi"
get cloudy? I bought a Her 4 Rings, didn't think she'd be outtie/Audi"
Fabolous Feat. Jay Z - Money Goes Honey Stay... When The Money Goes Rmx from cuore maria on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Nerd Girl of the WEEEEK!!!!!!

This week's NERD GIRL post is dedicated to none other than Cheryl Franki Acolatse!!! She hails from the UK but is currently in Ghana doing her fashion thing. She's a very unique individual to say the least. She actually might be the most unique individual I have ever met!(Im sure she's loving that last compliment LOL) I met her a couple years back while I was going to that Gawd Awful Art Institute. I was drown to her look, but after kickin it with her and having the chance to really get to know her I found out she's hella smart and funny. She really has an interesting perspective on LIFE that I could relate to. And plus she's a big fan of NERD! Her email address is for crying out loud!(Thats a song by NERD for everybody who don't know) I luv her to death! She's a good friend of mine!!! A BEAUTIFUL girl but most important a BEAUTIFUL mind! She's not of this WORLD!!! Ok let me STOP!!! Peace to Cheryl Franki Acolatse!!! Thanks for the Advice!!! Check her out below!! And yeah that's her on the hook of that Stick UP Song too!!!
Shouts out to the lovely Ariel!!!

this is what Ariel had to say on the cooL inTentions mixtape-- "u went HAM!!! Hands down like a hand stand"!!!!!
Shouts out to the Homie Tyler

"i like that georgia girl song where you talking about something like she's jamaican, and she's from macon"
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The G.O.A.T
MJ still has it!!!! Here he is schooling a young player named Chris "The Ghetto Bird" Young!!! Peace to Mike and the memories!!! The best player to ever lace up a pair of Sneakers!!!
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