Monday, August 31, 2009
cooL inTentions the mixtaPe!!!
Download your FREE copy of the cooL inTentions the mixtaPe if you haven't already!!!! HOT MUSIC HOT HOT MUSIC!!! CLICK IMAGE!!!


Nike was originally supposed to release the Nike McFly's in this style below.

In case you have been living underneath a rock this shoe was of course inspired by the shoe's Marty Mcfly wore in the BAck to the Future Movie. I thought this was the hottest thing Nike could ever release. But I guess the heads at the Corporate Office got involved and the shoe was changed to this.

And then Kobe!

Dope Interview!!!!
Narduwar!!! I came across this a while back and I was like damn, this is how you interview your favorite ARTIST! Check it Out!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Big Shouts out to my Home girl Revee!!!

Hi Kenneth..
I just now got to a computer...
I was internet challenged for a week hahaha...
Okay.. first let me say...
I think this mixtape is the very epitome of your personality..
Like every song I must say is YOU.
I love the fact that I went into this t...hinking Rollin was a definite fave for me
but the more I listened I caught on to I'm in your girl.. and died laughing to it... and vibing... and of course stick up... oh can I say "hello, my name is Mr. Bullet!"....
When you told me you were doing a mixtape, I tried to fathom what type of music you'd put out, and I knew it would be hot.. but this is HAWTTTT.... I love it, I see you still on DRUGS.. coz its dope... SMOKE this mixtape....
I have alot more to say, but quite frankly, its late, and I don't think I can stay up long enough to tell you and type it all... lol I'm so proud of you, I love it... I'm so happy that even though there's been an absence between us, you're still KENNETH! awesome...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Nerd Girl of the WEEEEK!!!!!!

This Weeks Nerd Girl is Sydni Michael!!! She hails from the City of Angels. I ran across Sydni Michael online about a year ago and she just seemed hella interesting. I of course did the usual checking of the blogs, myspace and so forth and I liked what I saw. She was different and fresh. Her photography is dope! and there's nothing more sexy than a girl who is into the ARTS. Peace to Ms. Sydni Michael!!! A beautiful Mind!!! Check her out!!! http://sydnimichael.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 23, 2009
This is DOOOOPE!!!!!!
This track is dope! Peep what the guy is saying for the first 2min.
"What is Music? Where Do it Come from? Why do some sequences of sound move us so and others makes many of us uncomfortable" Where does creativity come from? Why do some songs move us so and others leave us cold?......" that's some cold shit right there!!! just listen
Before the Sun Goes Down by Kees Kool
Before the sun goes down by Kees Kool
"What is Music? Where Do it Come from? Why do some sequences of sound move us so and others makes many of us uncomfortable" Where does creativity come from? Why do some songs move us so and others leave us cold?......" that's some cold shit right there!!! just listen
Before the Sun Goes Down by Kees Kool
Before the sun goes down by Kees Kool
Friday, August 21, 2009
CooL Shit!!!
Grow a NERD!!! LOL!!! I came across this the other day while going through my things and there's no way I wasn't going to post this!!!! Make sure to peep the 2nd pic.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tripple Krown!!!
Support the Fam and Cop their Singles!!!

And Another ONe!!!!
cooL inTentions Promo Vid#4 from Ken on Vimeo.
This is the 4th promo vid and counting!!! cooL intentions Is only a DAy AWay!!!!!
Random Movie Quote #2

"I'm a victim brother. I'm a victim of 400 years of conditioning. The man has programmed my conditioning. Even my conditioning has been conditioned!"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Cool intentions The Mixtape is Coming!!!!
cooL inTentions the mixtaPe Promo Vid#3 from Ken on Vimeo.
And a Another ONe!!!!! Man these dudes r craaazy!!!! Big Shouts out to dormtainment!!!!http://www.dormtainment.com
Nerd Girl of the WEEEEK!!!!!!

This WEEK'S Nerd Girl is Demery Porsha. I met her while attending the AIA some couple years back. I've always admired her style so how could I not dedicate this post to her!!! Thanks Porsha!!!!
Yeah Im Craaazy!!!
I Feel that AnyBody Who ChaSes the DrEAm of Being A Famous Music ARTIST or FamoUS MuSicIAn has to be a TAD bit crazy. This type of Plateau is Not for the SANE so Honestly yOU have To BE craZy!! This thing, this indescribable thing we CALL muSIC will Consume every part of your minD body And Soul Without WaRning!! It Takes a Special Kinda Person To Do this SHIT!!! And I am That Person!!! ---And for This MuSIC shit I Am CRAZY!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cool intentions Promo Vid
cooL inTentions the mixtaPe from Ken "R All Nerds As Cool Me?" on Vimeo.
Had tons of fun doing this one!!!! More to Come!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009

There's just something About a G-SHOCK. I copped my white Bape Anniversary Edition G-Shock about 2yrs ago and ever since then I haven't been able to take it off my wrist. I've worn it so much it is not even white any more. LOL! I hate even taking it off when I got to sleep(CRACK). I paid little over a hundred for mine. And yeah they do favor those Burger King watches you get in those kids meals but they're just so OFFICIAL! So you can imagine some of the reactions I get when I tell people how much I paid for mine. "Damn you paid that much for that" It's almost as if when you buy one you become apart of this extended family. "Like oh shit you got a G-SHOCK" I don't know what it is? Maybe it's just the inner kid in me?
NERD Girl of the WEEK!!!!
Stacey Dash

Ms. Dash!!! Ms. Dash!!! Ms. Dash!!! It rolls of the tongue so well. You should try it. LOL. Here's the epitome of BEAUTIFUL to me!!! I had to take the time and devote this section to her. God was on some "shit" when he was creating you!! Sorry God, but you were. This shit is not fair for somebody to be that GORGEOUS!!! And she like 40 going on 50! Peace to Ms. Dash!!! Thanks for being A Sight for sore EYes!!!

Ms. Dash!!! Ms. Dash!!! Ms. Dash!!! It rolls of the tongue so well. You should try it. LOL. Here's the epitome of BEAUTIFUL to me!!! I had to take the time and devote this section to her. God was on some "shit" when he was creating you!! Sorry God, but you were. This shit is not fair for somebody to be that GORGEOUS!!! And she like 40 going on 50! Peace to Ms. Dash!!! Thanks for being A Sight for sore EYes!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
One of The DopEST VIDEOs EVER!!!!!
I remember seeing this Video awhile back and being blowed away @ how the Director(Chris Milk look him up!!)managed to capture this moment perfectly!!!! As exaggerated as this video was, I can definitely understand how the guy in this video felt!! LOL !! This is for everybody who has ever had their heart broken!!!
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